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Bitcoin Equities Talks Ep.28: Bitcoin’s Impact in Africa – Empowering Communities and Addressing Energy Poverty with Charlene Fadirepo, CEO of Mango Digital Strategies





The environment and innovation have always been focal points in discussions surrounding Bitcoin and investment. However, today, we embark on a journey to explore Bitcoin in Africa and its profound social impact on communities grappling with poverty. Charlene Fadirepo, CEO of Mango Digital Strategies, offers invaluable insights into how Bitcoin adoption is not only revolutionizing financial landscapes but also serving as a catalyst for social change and economic empowerment in African communities.

Bitcoin Adoption in Africa

The narrative surrounding Bitcoin in Africa differs significantly from that in the Western world. In Africa, Bitcoin is not just seen as an investment but as a means of earning, saving, and spending. It empowers individuals and families, providing them with financial independence and a better livelihood. The unique utility of Bitcoin in Africa lies in its role as a medium of exchange, a tool for saving for the future, and a source of earnings with greater purchasing power than fiat currencies.

Bitcoin Mining and Electricity in Africa

Bitcoin mining has emerged as a solution to address energy poverty in Africa. With 500 million Africans lacking access to electricity, Bitcoin mining has the potential to make electricity projects economically viable, leading to the provision of low-cost electricity to underserved areas. The partnership between Bitcoin miners and hydro providers has enabled the creation of job opportunities and the development of technology ecosystems in African countries, contributing to economic growth and empowerment.

Bitcoin Narrative and Utility

Understanding the true utility of Bitcoin in different cultural and economic contexts is crucial. In Africa, the narrative around Bitcoin emphasizes the importance of earning, saving, and spending in Bitcoin. This approach provides individuals with a sense of financial empowerment and agency, regardless of their income level. The conversation underscores the need to recognize Bitcoin’s unique utility in Africa, distinct from Western perceptions.

Bitcoin ETFs and Regulatory Support

The approval of Bitcoin ETFs in 2024 has had a significant impact on the cryptocurrency market. Regulatory support is key to the crypto industry’s success, influencing prices and investment returns. The approval of Bitcoin ETFs underscores the importance of regulatory backing for the growth and stability of the crypto market.

Brain Drain and Job Opportunities in Africa

Bitcoin presents an opportunity to reverse the trend of brain drain in African countries. It allows people to enhance skills, work remotely for global firms, and help develop technology hubs in their countries. This potential for job opportunities and economic growth through Bitcoin adoption holds the promise of reducing the need for talent to leave their communities in search of better prospects.


In conclusion, the impact of Bitcoin in Africa goes beyond investment opportunities. As Fadirepo discussed, it has the potential to empower communities, address energy poverty, and create job opportunities, ultimately contributing to the economic development and sustainability of African countries. Bitcoin’s unique role in Africa underscores the need for nuanced understanding across various cultural and economic contexts. Regulatory support and Bitcoin ETF approvals highlight the impact of regulatory decisions on the cryptocurrency market’s future.

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