Another Way to Gain Exposure to Bitcoin: Melanion Capital’s Bitcoin Equity ETF

Is there an ETF that allows exposure to the Bitcoin theme within a regulated framework and regulated investment vehicles such as Life Insurance or Retirement Savings Plan?

The answer is Yes.

Melanion Capital, a French asset management company focused on innovation, was the first company in the world to create such a product. The philosophy behind the Melanion Bitcoin Equities ETF offers a compelling alternative to direct investment in cryptocurrencies.

By investing in companies actively shaping the Web3 ecosystem, this ETF provides tangible benefits and practical strategies to seize lucrative opportunities.

Cyril Sabbagh, the creator of this ETF and Managing Director at Melanion Capital, delves deep into the various sectors of the crypto ecosystem and the significant presence of North American companies in this thriving industry.

Discover how to invest in stocks of Web3 ecosystem companies, the advantages of each method, and the future of this type of investment in this captivating article.


This article and the strategy it outlines, are provided for informational purposes only. The content within is not intended to be financial advice and should not be taken as such. The historical performance of Bitcoin ETFs is no guarantee of future results.

Investing in Bitcoin ETFs involves a high degree of risk, including the loss of all your investment, and may not be suitable for all investors. Market conditions can vary significantly, and the volatility of cryptocurrency markets can lead to rapid and substantial losses.

Readers are advised to conduct their own due diligence and consult with a professional financial advisor before making any investment decisions. The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any financial institution or investment service.

Past performance is not indicative of future results. The investment strategy and themes discussed herein may be unsuitable for investors depending on their specific investment objectives and financial situation.

The author and publisher of this strategy are not responsible for any financial losses or gains you may experience. Investing in the markets is speculative; it should only be done with risk capital that if lost will not significantly affect your lifestyle.

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